Monday 4 July 2016

A Blizzard Of loneliness

She picked up pieces of ice
During a blizzard of loneliness
She put the ice together
A frozen heart it formed

She had the summers glow
She had a fragile soul
The ice turned into a glacier
It quenched the fire burning inside her

Fading flames one illusion at a time
All the love in the world would not melt the frozen heart
Her life turned into winter
Its harsh frost killed every life form in her garden of beauty

A wasteland of snow became of her once sunny world
Forcefully turned into an ice maiden
She can't recognize the girl in the mirror
Freezing thoughts she dreads

She picked up the frozen heart and tossed it hard on the ground It cracked
and eventually scattered
She fell laying next to it
As her weak eyes began to shut slowly

she heard birds singing high above her grass sprouting all around her
She gave one last wearily smile
It was Spring but not the summer she seeked
A fleeting breath she took and then peace

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