Wednesday 20 July 2016

My Dazzle

My spirit always languishes in your absence.

What strength of mine that I may endure your absence?

The worse misery is to be far from the one you cannot live without.

My body yearns to be committed to yours,

To be wrapped in a single ecstasy,

The refreshing pleasure of your sweet kisses,

The erotic sensation that sweeps through me when I am next to your warmth.

Thoughts of you flaunting through my mind,

Your beauty mesmerizes and taunts my soul.

My love,My desire, You build me up,you tear me down.

Your voice is a tourniquet to my dreary life

I am wearisome of our distance because

I am caught in a whirlwind of your love.

I love you without feigning

I ache without end to hold my dazzle in my arms once more.

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