Wednesday, 20 July 2016

18 Herbs That Boost Your Metabolism And Prevent Fat Build-up In The Body

1: Cinnamon

Cinnamon is one of the best weight loss herbs because it helps to stabilise blood sugar level, keeps you full for a longer time, decreases hunger pangs and metabolises fats at a faster rate.

2: Ginger

Ginger is a very good body cleanser. Ginger helps to remove the food logged in the digestive system and thus prevents fat storage and weight gain.

3: Cardamom

This spice helps boost your metabolism and improve your body's ability to burn fat.

4: Turmeric

This yellow-orange spice has several weight-loss properties. It helps to reduce the formation of fat tissues, thus lowering total body fat and prevents weight gain.

5: Acai Berry

Studies show that the juice from the acai berry or the dried powder of acai berry, can improve the ability to lose weight effectively. They help to prevent the fat build-up in the body and have enormous energising antioxidant properties.

6: Nettle leaf

This leaf is highly nutritive and is loaded with antioxidant vitamins like vitamin C and vitamin A. They aid in purifying blood and burns fat.

7: Guarana

Guarana has diuretic properties. It helps in losing weight. It also aids in stimulating the nervous system and thus helps you to avoid emotional eating due to stress or tension.

8: Cayenne pepper

This spice includes a compound called as capsaicin which helps to burn fat and suppresses your hunger cravings. According to a research done by Prudue University - cayenne is effective in weight loss, because it increases body's metabolism activity which causes the body to burn more calories.

9: Cumin

Cumin helps to improve your digestive process and production of energy. Cumin seeds also helps to boost your immune system.

10: Ginseng

Ginseng helps to boost energy levels and speeds up metabolism rate.

11: Black pepper

This commonly-used spice is filled with a compound called - piperine. This compound helps in boosting your metabolism. Black pepper also helps in improving your digestive system and helps to burn fat at a faster rate.

12: Dandelions

This flower head helps to cleanse your body and helps to slow down your digestion. Dandelions help to make you feel full for a longer period and have very good nutritional content as well. So start eating this flower to fit into your old jeans.

13: Flax seeds

Flaxseeds acts as a bulking agent and gives you a feeling of fullness. Thus, they prevent you from overeating and help you to lose weight.

14: Guar gum

Guar gum helps in managing diabetes and aids weight loss. It helps to improve the digestion process and gives you a feeling of fullness.

15: Garcinia

This fruit promotes appetite suppression and prevents production and storing of fat. Choose whole food rather than other variants.

16: Mustard

Mustard is a very good weight loss herb, as it helps to fasten body's metabolic activity.

17: Coconut oil

Coconut oil helps to increase your metabolic speed, which further aids in releasing energy and promoting weight loss.

18: Fennel seeds

These tiny seeds aid in digestion and help to regulate your hunger. Besides, it also helps in cleansing your liver.

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