Tuesday, 28 June 2016

Khloe Kardashian Reveals Her Birthday Wish

While everyone wished Khloe Kardashian a happy birthday, She feels the exact opposite.
The TV Starlet confessed:

"I love other people's birthdays, but to be honest, I get more sad for my birthday. They've been so negative in the past that I'm always like, 'What's going to happen this year?' I had the best birthday last year because it was the first time someone did something for me that I didn't ask for. It was the first time I felt like I knew what birthdays were supposed to be like. There were only twelve of us, but it was so nice. Look, I'm not all 'woe is me,' and I don't need to do much. But then that's why we don't do much. No one takes charge."
She also revealed her birthday wish:
"My wish for myself this year is internal happiness. I'm big on peace and happiness, and that's all I want. The rest will come. I think as I've gotten older, I feel more secure and settled with who I am, but at the same time, I'm more open to changing myself for the better. I'm not as stubborn as I was when I was younger.
"I bought myself a nice watch! I would normally never spend a ton on watches, but it was a tough year for me, so I don't give a f*ck right now!"
We all need a treat. Treat yourself darling!
On the best birthday gift she ever received: "Kourtney Kardashian gave me a Marilyn Monroe photograph and I love it. I'm such a huge fan of hers." On her ideal birthday outfit: "Whatever makes me feel good! When I went bowling for my birthday last year I wore a jumpsuit. Some girls love dresses, but I would say I feel sexiest in a jumpsuit."
On the high point of her past year: "The high point was going to Cuba with my family. Cuba was great. It also felt amazing that my book launched."
 Happy birthday!

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