Thursday 9 June 2016


Nigeria is one of the few countries blessed abundantly with so much resources but sadly do not utilise it.
She is blessed with oil as one of these resources even at that she still imports oil. Judging by her resources she should be ranked one of the richest countries but she wallows in poverty so does most of her citizens. 
Most of her resources require mining but the industry almost isn’t in existence the Government should focus on how to enlighten the citizens on how to make use of what they have to shape the country into whatever form they desire rather than put blames on each other because frankly where has pointing accusing fingers helped anyone?
The future of any country is the youth but most of them lay jobless and clueless on the streets not knowing their left from right. “Nigeria go better” they say, who are you kidding? Look around you, “Nigeria go better” is falling apart, terrorist rising from every corner making demands and instead of the government putting a halt to it, they negotiate with them haha you don’t negotiate with the devil because he is the devil, He’ll use your weakness against you. I’m trying to be as simple as possible with my words so everyone of you regardless of your educational background can understand me.
Nigeria has too much resources to depend solely on importation to survive. Try Exportation if importation isn’t working for you oh wait you banned most of them. The President speaks about fighting corruption but how can you do that if you are just as corrupt. Fire cannot be fought with fire neither can corruption. 
Here is a short list of Nigeria’s mineral resources which doesn’t involve crude oil:
  • Marble
  • Gold
  • Tentative
  • Limestone 
  • Zinc
  • Lead
  • Magnesite
  • Clay
  • Uranium
  • Iron-ore
  • Phosphate
  • Coal
  • Kaolin
  • Salt
  • Bitumen
  • Sapphire
  • Asbestos 
  • Ruby
  • Copper
  • Talc
  • Tin
  • Cotton……. The list goes on and on.
Exportation of these could really improve the economy if you still remember what that means. 
Nigeria has a rich land that is favourable to agriculture. These agricultural products can be exported: cocoa, palm kernel, sesame seeds, cotton, ginger, yam, shea butter, cashew nuts, charcoal (which was currently banned), gallstone, rubber, garlic, chilli pepper, it goes on and on.
Nigerians get up and think for yourselves quit waiting for the president to make the country better for you. Oh haven’t you heard he’s sick? Well you just did. He has his own problems believe me you are not one of them. “Change” huh? It probably didn’t cross your mind to ask him, change for better or worse?

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